Application Cycle Now Open for Veteran-Friendly Schools Program
The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency is now accepting applications for its Veteran-Friendly Schools initiative for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The Michigan Veteran-Friendly Schools Program recognizes academic institutions committed to supporting the needs of veterans and military-connected students.
These institutions are awarded Gold-, Silver-, and Bronze-level status based on their veteran-centric services and programs.
Any academic institution or training facility in Michigan eligible to receive veteran education benefits can apply for the program.
The application cycle opens May 1 and will remain open till August 28.
Universities, colleges or trade schools interested in becoming a Veteran-Friendly School must meet the criteria below:
1. Established process for identification of current student veterans
2. Veteran-specific website
3. Active student veteran organization or club
4. Veteran-specific career services, resources, advising, and/or outcome monitoring
5. On-campus veterans’ coordinator and/or designated staff point of contact
6. System to evaluate and award academic credit based on prior military training and experience
7. Monitoring and evaluation of student veteran academic retention, progress, and graduation rates
For more information, click here.