First Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill Hits Shelves Later this Month
WASHINGTON (NEWSnet/AP) — The first over-the-counter birth control pill will be available in U.S. stores later this month.
Manufacturer Perrigo said Monday it has begun shipping the medication, Opill, to major retailers and pharmacies. A one-month supply will cost about $20 and a three-month supply will cost around $50, according to the company’s suggested retail price. It will also be sold online.
The launch has been closely watched since last July when the Food and Drug Administration said the once-a-day Opill could be sold without a prescription. Ireland-based Perrigo noted there will be no age restrictions on sales, similar to other over-the-counter medications.
Opill is an older class of contraceptive, sometimes called minipills, that contain a single synthetic hormone, progestin, and generally carry fewer side effects than more popular combination estrogen and progestin pills.
The company says when taken as directed, Opill is 98% effective at preventing pregnancy, which is inline with the effectiveness of most birth control pills.
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