The White House spelled out where it wants to allocate $5.8 trillion dollars in spending across 156 pages Monday.

So what has been proposed for the 2023 fiscal year?

The wish list, which ended up being smaller than expected includes- $795 billion for defense and $915 billion for domestic programs.

The remaining balance would go to mandatory spending such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and net interest on the national debt.

In all, the spending would rack up a deficit of $1.15 trillion.

Breaking the president's proposal down even further, It includes a minimum 20% tax on the incomes of households worth $100 million or more.

Or .01% of households.

It's a tax that Biden maintains will help level the playing field.

the higher tax bill would raise $361 billion in revenue over 10 years 

Though the proposal lists another $1.4 trillion in revenue raised over the next decade - through other tax increases.

They're meant to preserve Biden's pledge to not hike taxes on people earning less than $400,000. 

while also shoring up his newest pledge - fiscal responsibility.

Where will all this money go?

A sizable chunk of that would go to increase support for law enforcement.

Greater funding for education, public health, child care, and housing is also in the cards.

They're items the woman in charge of putting the proposal together believes will put the country on the right track.

The budget, as it stands, is only a proposal and Congress will ultimately need to enact it and in a year where Republicans and moderate Democrats are trying to gain or keep seats. 

It remains to be seen just how much of the president's plan will come to fruition.

The GOP has already come out in force against it pointing to a continued trillion-dollar-plus deficit.

Though Biden contends it's still a $1.3 billion decline from the Trump Administration's shortfall.

Still, some of the items included have also received previous bipartisan pushback.

Nevertheless, Biden's main goal is to show midterm voters what the Democratic Party stands for.

Especially how they plan to help ease the pain caused by the pandemic and an economic recession.